4 minute read

This challenge provided an Excel (.xlsx) file. Here is the challenge file.

Before we get started, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the organizers National Cyber Security Agency Malaysia (NACSA), Velum Labs and the exceptional technical team WargamesMY for their unwavering efforts in organizing the physically conducted Cyber Warzone CTF challenges. Their meticulous planning, flawless execution, and dedication made the event an incredible experience, fostering a vibrant atmosphere of learning and collaboration. Thanks again for providing us with an opportunity to challenge our skills, expand our knowledge, and create lasting memories.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

First we are given an xlsx file, we could use oledump.py by Didier Stevens to analyze it:

python3 oledump.py nihongo.xlsm


We are particularly interested in those streams contains letter M (stands for VBA Macros), and we can decompress it with following command:

python3 oledump.py nihongo.xlsm -s A3 -v > dump.vba

dump.vba :

Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Sub 関数()
    Dim オレンジ As String
    オレンジ = ""
    ' スプーン(オレンジ)
    ' ナイフ(オレンジ)
    ' ???(????, 5)
    ' チョコレート(オレンジ)
    ' ???(????)
    ' バニラ(オレンジ)
    ' Finalfunc(オレンジ)
    If オレンジ = "0716614B7C284F4AA56307E22434B93C" Then
        MsgBox "おめでとうございます!オレンジをキャプチャしました"
        MsgBox "申し訳ありませんが、オレンジをキャプチャできませんでした。"
    End If
End Sub

Function Finalfunc(ByVal text As String) As String
    Dim md5Obj As Object
    Set md5Obj = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")

    Dim encodingObj As Object
    Set encodingObj = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")

    Dim inputBytes() As Byte
    inputBytes = encodingObj.GetBytes_4(text)

    Dim hashBytes() As Byte
    hashBytes = md5Obj.ComputeHash_2((inputBytes))

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim result As String
    result = ""

    For i = 0 To UBound(hashBytes)
        result = result & Right("0" & Hex(hashBytes(i)), 2)
    Next i

    Finalfunc = result
End Function

Function フォーク(ByVal りんご As String) As Byte()
    Dim mod4, i, k As Integer
    Dim クワルテット As String
    Dim デコードバイト() As Byte

    mod4 = Len(りんご) Mod 4
    If mod4 <> 0 Then
        りんご = りんご & String(4 - mod4, "=")
    End If

    Dim メープル As String
    メープル = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

    ReDim デコードバイト((Len(りんご) \ 4) * 3 - 1) As Byte

    i = 0
    Dim j As Variant
    Do While i < Len(りんご)
        クワルテット = Mid(りんご, i + 1, 4)
        i = i + 4

        For k = 1 To 4
            j = 0
            j = j Or (InStr(1, メープル, Mid(クワルテット, k, 1)) - 1)
            If k Mod 4 <> 0 Then
                j = j * 64
            End If
        Next k

        k = (i \ 4 - 1) * 3
        デコードバイト(k) = j \ 65536
        j = j And 65535

        If k + 1 < UBound(デコードバイト) Then
            デコードバイト(k + 1) = j \ 256
            デコードバイト(k + 2) = j And 255
        End If

    Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
    Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
    Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
    Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64")
    objNode.DataType = "bin.base64"
    objNode.text = りんご
    デコードバイト = objNode.nodeTypedValue
    Set objNode = Nothing
    Set objXML = Nothing

    フォーク = デコードバイト
End Function

Function いちご(ByVal 入力オレンジ As String) As String
    Dim パイナップル As String
    パイナップル = 入力オレンジ
    パイナップル = Replace(パイナップル, "b", "a")
    いちご = パイナップル
End Function

Function バニラ(ByVal 入力オレンジ As String) As String
    Dim パイナップル As String
    パイナップル = 入力オレンジ
    パイナップル = Replace(パイナップル, "z", "b")
    バニラ = パイナップル
End Function

Function チョコレート(ByVal 入力オレンジ As String) As String
    Dim パイナップル As String
    パイナップル = 入力オレンジ
    パイナップル = Replace(パイナップル, "a", "z")
    チョコレート = パイナップル
End Function

Function ボウル(ByVal 入力文字列 As String, ByVal キー As Integer) As String
    Dim エンコードされた文字列 As String
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 1 To Len(入力文字列)
        エンコードされた文字列 = エンコードされた文字列 & Chr(Asc(Mid(入力文字列, i, 1)) Xor キー)
    Next i

    ボウル = エンコードされた文字列
End Function

Function スプーン(ByVal 入力オレンジ As String) As String
    Dim パイナップル As String
    パイナップル = "ZnxhYHZ+MjU8ZmZkNmc9PGY8ZzYyMWQ0Mjw8Njc9YGNjPTQzMzN4"
    スプーン = パイナップル
End Function

Function ナイフ(ByVal 入力オレンジ As String) As String
    Dim バイト() As Byte
    バイト = フォーク(入力オレンジ)
    ナイフ = StrConv(バイト, vbUnicode)
End Function

At this point in the competition, I let my teammate Choo to look at it because I’m working on another task and he’s more familiar with VBA than I am.

Out of my surprise ChatGPT able to analyze it well, here is the our conversation with GPT.

From the conversation we obtained the following code:

Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"

Sub Main()
    Dim orange As String
    orange = ""

    ' DecodeBase64(Orange)
    ' DecodeBase64ToString(Orange)
    ' ???(????, 5)
    ' ReplaceAWithZ(Orange)
    ' ???(????)
    ' ReplaceZWithB(Orange)
    ' CalculateMD5Hash(Orange)

    If orange = "0716614B7C284F4AA56307E22434B93C" Then
        MsgBox "Congratulations! Orange captured."
        MsgBox "Sorry, unable to capture orange."
    End If
End Sub

Function CalculateMD5Hash()
End Function

Function DecodeBase64()
End Function

Function ReplaceBWithA()
End Function

Function ReplaceZWithB()
End Function

Function ReplaceAWithZ()
End Function

Function XOREncryption()
End Function

Function GetHardcodedString()
End Function

Function DecodeBase64ToString()
End Function

Now we have two unknown question mark functions, but the first one appears to be the best candidate for the XOR function, while the second one clearly is the ReplaceBWithA() function because it hasn’t been called yet.

Following the order to decode using CyberChef, here is the recipe, and we will obtain the final flag.

