[HTBCACTF] Jenny From The Block
Task source:
This challenge provided a python source code.
Looking at the source code, we can see there are few whitelisted commands that we can run:
allowed_commands = [b'whoami', b'ls', b'cat secret.txt', b'pwd']
In challenge
function, the command we input will be execute after passing the check and the command itself and the output will be concat with a string for further block cipher encryption with a random 32 bytes password before sending back to us:
output = run_command(command)
response = b'Command executed: ' + command + b'\n' + output
password = os.urandom(32)
ct = encrypt(response, password)
The function encrypt
will split the response
in blocks of size 32, which means the plaintext of first block will always be the below string as it was length 32:
b'Command executed: cat secret.txt'
This makes the whole operation reversible as it is constant. Notice that in encrypt
function, the password to encrypt will changed after the first iteration:
h = sha256(enc_block + block).digest()
And the password is basically used to encrypt the plain text by adding byte by byte where you can see in encrypt_block
def encrypt_block(block, secret):
enc_block = b''
for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
val = (block[i]+secret[i]) % 256
enc_block += bytes([val])
return enc_block
Knowing what the code does, we connect to the docker, get the ct
and write a script to decode it:
from binascii import unhexlify
from hashlib import sha256
def decrypt_block(block, secret):
dec_block = b""
for i in range(32):
val = (block[i] - secret[i]) % 256
dec_block += bytes([val])
return dec_block
def decrypt(ct):
ct = unhexlify(ct)
blocks = [ct[i:i+32] for i in range(0, len(ct), 32)]
ori = b'Command executed: cat secret.txt'
pt = b""
h = sha256(bytes(blocks[0] + ori)).digest()
for b in range(1, len(blocks)):
dec_block = decrypt_block(blocks[b], h)
h = sha256(blocks[b] + dec_block).digest()
pt += dec_block
return pt
def main():
ori = b'Command executed: cat secret.txt'
ct = "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"
message = decrypt(ct).decode()
if __name__ == '__main__':