Task source :
Our goal is to retrieve the valid pin number to combine with another half of the flag: flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_%s}
The only way to view validPinMessage
is through valid_pin
. We can see label5
is comparing the pinCode and jump to valid_pin
if matched. The table below have references for intructions we need.
Mnemonic Condition tested Description
jo OF = 1 overflow
jno OF = 0 not overflow
jc, jb, jnae CF = 1 carry / below / not above nor equal
jnc, jae, jnb CF = 0 not carry / above or equal / not below
je, jz ZF = 1 equal / zero
jne, jnz ZF = 0 not equal / not zero
jbe, jna CF or ZF = 1 below or equal / not above
ja, jnbe CF or ZF = 0 above / not below or equal
js SF = 1 sign
jns SF = 0 not sign
jp, jpe PF = 1 parity / parity even
jnp, jpo PF = 0 not parity / parity odd
jl, jnge SF xor OF = 1 less / not greater nor equal
jge, jnl SF xor OF = 0 greater or equal / not less
jle, jng (SF xor OF) or ZF = 1 less or equal / not greater
jg, jnle (SF xor OF) or ZF = 0 greater / not less nor equal
Apparently the length of pinCode was 8:
call strlen
cmp rax, 0x8
jne invalid_pin_length
pinCode 1:
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x0]
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
We can see it is comparing with 0x30
and jump to invalid_pin
if not equal. So the first pinCode was 0x30
which is equivalent to 0 in ASCII.
Flag in progress: flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_0}
pinCode 2:
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x1]
cmp r9b, 0x34
jne invalid_pin
Same as first one, so the second pinCode was 0x34
which is equivalent to 4 in ASCII.
Flag in progress: flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_04}
pinCode 3:
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x2]
cmp r9b, 0x37
jg invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
We can see it is comparing with 0x37
and jump to invalid_pin
if it was greater than 0x37
, in other words, the correct pinCode was < 0x37.
Now for the second comparison, the instruction was jump if not equal, which means the correct pinCode was 0x30
, equivalent to 0 in ASCII.
Flag in progress: flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_040}
pinCode 4:
mov r9b, [pinCode + 0x3]
cmp r9b, 0x39
je invalid_pin
cmp r9b, 0x30
jne invalid_pin
The first comparison compare if the pinCode is equal to 0x39
, jump to invalid_pin
, which is useless for us. For second comparison, again, jump to invalid_pin
if not equal, so the correct pinCode was 0x30
, equivalent to 0 in ASCII.
Flag in progress: flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_0400}
pinCode 5:
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x4]
cmp r8b, 0x31
jb invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x32
jge invalid_pin
The first comparison compare if the pinCode was below than 0x31
, jump to invalid_pin
. So the pinCode must be >= 0x31. For second comparison, if the pinCode was greater or equal to 0x32
, jump to invalid_pin
. Which means the correct pinCode is 0x32 > x >= 0x31. Thereforce the 0x31
was the correct pinCode, equivalent to 1 in ASCII.
Flag in progress: flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_04001}
pinCode 6:
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x5]
cmp r8b, 0x30
jbe invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x32
jae invalid_pin
First comparison check if pinCode was below or equal to 0x30
, which means the pinCode must be > 0x30. The second comparison check if the pinCode is above or equal to 0x32
, hence the correct pinCode is 0x31
, equivalent to 1 in ASCII.
Flag in progress: flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_040011}
pinCode 7:
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x6]
cmp r8b, 0x39
jne invalid_pin
Again, jump if not equal. So the correct pinCode was 0x39
, equivalent to 9 in ASCII.
Flag in progress: flag{K3RN3L_DR0ID_0400119}
pinCode 8:
mov r8b, [pinCode + 0x7]
cmp r8b, 0x36
jl invalid_pin
cmp r8b, 0x36
jg invalid_pin
The first comparison check if the pinCode was less than 0x36
, means the correct pinCode is >= 0x36. For second comparison, it check if the pinCode is greater than 0x36, hence the correct pinCode was 0x36
, equivalent to 6 in ASCII.